EVENT is always looking for committed volunteers. We offer a warm, supportive atmosphere, witty repartee, networking opportunities with the arts and culture communities, and the chance to work behind the scenes on one of Canada’s most reputable literary publications.
First Readers
UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, WE ARE UNABLE TO ACCEPT ANY MORE APPLICATIONS FOR POTENTIAL FIRST READERS.EVENT seeks qualified first readers to read and evaluate the many fiction and poetry submissions we receive. First readers are crucial at EVENT, providing recommendations to our fiction and poetry editors. Their eyes are the first to land on the work that we publish, and they serve an important role in the discovery and development of new writing. Working as a first reader provides behind-the-scenes experience for an emerging writer, and the position can serve as a stepping stone to future editorial positions at EVENT and other literary magazines.
This is a volunteer position. We require that first readers hold an MFA or equivalent publications and/or work experience. All first readers are listed on the masthead of each print issue on which they’ve worked, and receive a complimentary copy of the issue(s).
For more information, and to apply, please email your detailed resume and sample publications to event@douglascollege.ca with the subject line ‘First Reader Application.’ If you have previous experience as a reader/editor, please note this in your application.
Office and Event Volunteers
Volunteers assist us with issue mail-outs, representing the magazine at events like WORD Vancouver, and occasionally with other office tasks. All of our volunteers are listed on the masthead of each print issue on which they’ve worked, and receive a complimentary copy of the issue(s).
If you’re interested in volunteering, please email your detailed resume to event@douglascollege.ca with the subject line ‘Volunteer Application.’
We offer paid internships once per year, dependent on funding. Please sign up for our newsletter for posting announcements.