Non-Fiction Prompt #17
Shashi Bhat • February 20Like Prompt #11, this exercise requires you to consider an unexpected antagonist: your own body. There are countless memoirs about illness, so many...
Like Prompt #11, this exercise requires you to consider an unexpected antagonist: your own body. There are countless memoirs about illness, so many...
Here's a prompt to make use of any post-Valentine's Day ruminating. The New York Times recently began releasing the podcast version of their Modern...
The November 15, 2015 episode of radio show This American Life told several stories around the theme of "Status Updates." Their episode synopsis...
Write about a time you were out of your element, a fish out of water. The "fish out of water" story is a classic one, with potential for tension,...
A favourite movie of mine is that 1998 Gwyneth Paltrow flick, Sliding Doors. The narrator runs to catch a subway train. In one version of her life,...
Recall an incident from your childhood and write about it, limiting your narration to the child's perspective, or the "Voice of Innocence." In...
There are four basic different kinds of conflict: Man against man Man against self Man against society Man against nature (or...
Making the Familiar Unfamiliar: A challenge in creative writing is to use a variety of descriptive techniques to depict ordinary scenes and...
Write a scene of a personal experience that risks painting you in a negative light. For example, you could write about a time you bullied somebody,...
This prompt is adapted from an exercise in Brian Kitelely's 3 AM Epiphany. The original prompt, titled "Déjà Vu," asks the writer to write a...