
EVENT 52/3 Digital Edition



EVENT 52/3, the Winter 2023-2024 issue, features Notes on Writing essays by Billy-Ray Belcourt, Fawn Parker, Corinna Chong and Manahil Bandukwala, poetry by Moni Brar, Isabella Wang and Terence Young, and and fiction by Kate Cayley and Pasha Malla. Plus, much more new writing and reviews of books by Sheryda Warrener, Marta Balcewicz, and others.




This is the digital edition of EVENT 52/3.  Click here for a physical edition.


Notes on Writing

Manahil Bandukwala Beginnings and Endings
Billy-Ray Belcourt Ambivalent Desires
Corinna Chong The Work of Art: An Anti-Process
Fawn Parker A Reason to Turn the Page



Moni Brar Two Poems
Guy Elston Two Poems
Grace Three Poems
Henry Heavyshield Three Poems
Kyra Kaisla Two Poems
Pinki Li Two Poems
Steve McOrmond Two Poems
Malena Mokhovikova Two Poems
Ben von Jagow Two Poems
Isabella Wang Two Poems
Erin Wilson Two Poems
Terence Young Two Poems



Kate Cayley Running
Mehdi M. Kashani Punchline
Pasha Malla Subtotal:
Cassidy McFadzean Fracture




Fiction Kate Kennedy
Fiction  Christina Turner
Poetry Carmen Faye Mathes


On the cover: “Creatures in the Flames” by Ben von Jagow. Illustrations by Jaden Tsan.


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