
EVENT 49/1


Now serving EVENT 49/1! Savour the winning entries of EVENT’s 2019 Non-Fiction Contest, including an essay by judge Anthony Oliveira. But that’s just the start — this issue also includes a fresh assortment of fiction, poetry and reviews certain to delight the most discerning literary palates.

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This is the physical edition of EVENT 49/1  Click here for a digital edition.


2019 Non-Fiction Contest

Anthony Oliveira Judge’s Essay
Jane Eaton Hamilton The Dead Green Man
Mary Steer Things You Think When Your Husband Has a Heart Attack
Rose Cullis My Beautiful Madness




Rachel White A Grizzly Bear in the Rapids
Jacalyn den Haan [dis]appearances
RC DeWinter Two Poems
James W. Wood Unsigned Manuscript, Late Thirteenth Century
Brian O’Neill Guanojuato
Mia Fielding A Home
Hayden Ward Smaller Houses
Yvonne Two Poems
Jill Mandrake End of the Week, 1966
Natasha Silva Two Poems
Edward Dewar Two Poems
Suzanne S. Rancourt Two Poems
Giles Goodland Two Poems
Julian Day Two Poems
Joel Robert Ferguson Two Poems
Yoko’s Dogs Two Poems
Kevin Irie Three Poems
Andy Lee The Unsaid



Alice Gauntley Stripped
Mehdi M. Kashani Move Around  Us
Steven Heighton Professions of Love
Katie Welch Town Musicans of Ender


Fiction Brenna Clarke Gray
Brett Josef Grubisic
Non-Fiction Jeff Noh
Poetry Nick Thran

On the cover:
“Studies in Grey” by Hiromi Goto (2019).

Illustrations by Ingrid Skåre

Read more about our contributors here.

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