
EVENT 47/1


Here’s your chance to pick up EVENT 47/1, featuring notes on writing from Joy Kogawa, Benjamin Hertwig and Jennica Harper, plus new poetry, fiction, non-fiction and reviews from writers old and new.

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Notes on Writing

Jennica Harper Holes
Benjamin Hertwig On Violence & Memory
Joy Kogawa Roosters



Mahmud Kianush Three Poems
Nina Mosall Two Poems
John Barlow Two Poems
Juliane Okot Bitek The Dogs Are Coming
Paddy McCallum Two Poems
Kim Goldberg Two Poems
Adele Graf Two Poems
Eleri Glass Legend
Bruce Rice Two Poems
Adrian Southin Three Poems
Sue Chenette Two Poems
Robert MacLean Two Poems
Armand Garnet Ruffo Two Poems
Brittney Scott Two Poems
Erin Kirsh Two Poems
Anders Villani Two Poems
Cara Waterfall Tobermory
Lana Bella Only to Know She Has Been Here
Cellan Jay Two Poems
D.C. Reid Melody I Had Forgotten I Could Not Play



Jessica Lampard The Secret
John Saul Flipflops
Eric Howerton Nowhere in the Known World



Krista Foss Salamanders



Non-Fiction Jay Ruzesky
 Fiction Jeremy Luke Hill
Andrew MacDonald
Kathy Mezei

On the cover: 
‘Once’ by Rob Ruttan.

Illustrations by Adi Berardini.

Read more about our contributors here.

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