Non-Fiction Prompt #5
Shashi Bhat • January 6The full prompt: Describe in detail a book, story, magazine, movie or TV show you loved when you were younger. Then use this as a jumping off point...
The full prompt: Describe in detail a book, story, magazine, movie or TV show you loved when you were younger. Then use this as a jumping off point...
Since many are returning to school today after the holidays, our third prompt invites you to recall and write about a teacher from when you were in...
When I consider the phrase "Missed Connections," I imagine a hollow space, a kind of emptiness where a relationship might have been. Think of those...
For the next couple months we'll be posting non-fiction writing prompts in preparation for our 2016 Non-Fiction Contest. Our first prompt is a...
EVENT’s 2016 Non-Fiction Contest is open for submissions until April 15. Winners receive fame and fortune ($1500 in prizes!). EVENT's editor and a...