EVENT Seeks Volunteer First Readers

February 13, 2024 at 10:11 am  •  Posted in About Event, Announcements, Blogs, Home Page, News, Slider, Uncategorized, Welcome by

EVENT Magazine is seeking volunteer first readers

Do you love reading? Would you like to help publish the very best in contemporary poetry and prose from Canada and around the world? Apply to be an EVENT first reader!

As a first reader, you will:

  • Use Submittable to read and rate a minimum of 20 poetry or short fiction manuscripts per month during two annual submission periods
  • Write brief comments for our poetry and fiction editors
  • In exchange for your help, you’ll receive:
    • Your name in our masthead
    • A complimentary subscription to EVENT
    • Opportunities to volunteer at events (if located in the Vancouver, BC area)

Here’s what we’re looking for:

  • A close reader with a love of prose or poetry (or both!)
  • An interest in EVENT and familiarity with Canadian literary magazines 
  • An excellent communicator who adheres to deadlines 
  • You should not have work under submission with EVENT, nor have published with us in the previous two years

Please email event@douglascollege.ca with the subject line First Reader and the answers to the following in the body of the email by Friday, March 8, 2024:

  1. Name
  2. Location
  3. What relevant literary writing or publishing experience do you have?
  4. Why do you want to read for EVENT?
  5. Which genre would you like to read: poetry or fiction? 
  6. What is your favourite story or poem you’ve read in the past year in a Canadian literary magazine (print or online), and why?
  7. Would you like to also read submissions to our annual Creative Non-Fiction Contest (reading takes place in late fall)?

Thanks so much for your interest in joining the team. We’re looking forward to reading your application! Please be advised that only short-listed candidates will be contacted.