2019 Non-Fiction Contest Winners

March 12, 2020 at 7:16 am  •  Posted in Announcements, Articles, Blogs, Contest, Home Page, News, Welcome by

And the winners are…

FIRST PLACE ($1,500):

  • ‘The Dead Green Man,’ Jane Eaton Hamilton, Salt Spring Island, BC


  • ‘Things You Think When Your Husband Has a Heart Attack,’ Mary Steer, Waterdown, ON


  • ‘My Beautiful Madness,’ Rose Cullis, Toronto, ON

The winning entries, along with Anthony Oliveira’s judge’s essay, will appear in EVENT 49/1 (Summer 2020).

Congratulations to all the other short-listed entrants:

  • ‘Understanding My Face,’ Michelle Brown, Victoria, BC
  • ‘The Minuet,’ Elliot Chan, Vancouver, BC
  • ‘Is This an Illness or an Accident?’ Daniela Elza, Vancouver, BC
  • ‘The Town Hussie,’ Kate Felix, Toronto, ON
  • ‘An Unassuming Progression,’ Darlene McLeod, Ottawa, ON
  • ‘Convocation,’ Mark Osteen, Baltimore, MD, USA
  • ‘Picture Books with Animals,’ Scott Randall, Ottawa, ON
  • ‘Embers,’ Madeline Sonik, Victoria, BC
  • ‘Tour de Force,’ Catherine St. Denis, Victoria, BC

Thanks to those writers who sent manuscripts to us and to our contest readers and judge! Visit our Contest page for details on the next contest.

Anthony Oliveira is a writer, film programmer, pop culture critic and PhD living in Toronto.

He is the host of the Revue Cinema’s Dumpster Raccoon Film Series, a recurring guest on CBC’s The National Pop Panel and host for TIFF red carpets and events, while his pieces have appeared in The Washington PostHazlittXtraTorontoist, Fangoria and others. He has been nominated for four National Magazine Awards, and won two (Best Essay and Best Long-Form Feature) for his work “Death in the Village,” chronicling the aftermath of the Bruce McArthur murders.

His graphic novel work includes The Queer Guide to Comic Con for Dark Horse’s Pros and Cons anthology; “Sunlight” for the Shout Out Anthology of Queer YA anthology; “When the Light Breaks,” the story of Steven’s first Pride Parade for Cartoon Network’s Steven Universe; and “My Drag Brunch with Loki” featuring Wiccan and Hulkling for Marvel Comics. In addition to several upcoming comics projects, he is at work on his first novel, Dayspring.

He can be found on Twitter at @meakoopa, where he tweets about the arts, politics, and LGBT culture, or on his podcast, The Devil’s Party, as he reads through Milton’s Paradise Lost and its demonic twists and turns.