Call for Applications: Visiting Indigenous Writer

September 12, 2019 at 4:54 pm  •  Posted in Announcements, Blogs, Home Page, News, Welcome by

Douglas College’s Creative Writing Department invites applications for a Visiting Indigenous Writer position. We welcome experienced Indigenous writers of all genres, including poetry, fiction, storytelling, memoir, screenwriting, playwriting, song writing, children’s literature, and/or speculative fiction.

The position will be held for one week, from November 8 to 14, 2019, at the Douglas College campus in New Westminster, BC. The writer will receive a $5,000 honorarium. Travel, hotel accommodation, and per diem ($50/day) will also be provided.

The selected writer will spend their time interacting with the community through public presentations and events, including a welcome dinner, consultations with students, class visits, and a reading and/or craft talk at the annual Indigenous Voices program hosted by EVENT Magazine and Douglas College’s Aboriginal Student Services.


  • Book publication or equivalent public performances, productions, etc.
  • Previous teaching, mentorship, and/or public speaking experience considered an asset

To apply, please submit:

  • A resume or CV of related experience
  • A writing sample of maximum 10 pages, or a video/audio clip of maximum 5 minutes
  • A one-page letter describing how you envision spending your time during the residency

Please send applications by email to Shashi Bhat at by the deadline of Friday, September 27, 2019.