Carleigh Baker Receives Vancouver Book Award

October 18, 2017 at 3:57 pm  •  Posted in Announcements, Articles, Home Page by

Carleigh Baker has won the 2017 City of Vancouver Book Award for her collection, Bad Endings (Anvil Press). Carleigh is a book reviewer for EVENT, and believe it or not, was once an EVENT intern! She is a Metis/Icelandic writer, whose work has appeared in subTerrain, PRISM international, Joyland, and This Magazine. She won subTerrain‘s Lush Triumphant Award for short fiction in 2012, and was nominated for the Journey Prize in 2014. Her book reviews and critical writing have appeared in The Globe & Mail, The Malahat Review, The Goose, and EVENT. She lives in Vancouver.

The prize’s jury said:

“Stumbling through the fogs of loneliness, Carleigh Baker’s finely drawn characters find respite in the particular intimacy afforded by ephemeral relationships. A renewal of connection with the more-than-human world offers the characters sustenance amidst the demands of an ever-accelerating city.”

Congratulations and best wishes to Carleigh for her ongoing writing success.


Check out this 2013 interview with Carleigh Baker on EVENT’s blog. Read her latest review for EVENT in Issue 45/3.