EVENT’s new editor: Farewell from Elizabeth Bachinsky, hello from Shashi Bhat.
It’s been a busy summer here at EVENT. We ran our 27th annual creative non-fiction contest and put out a new Notes on Writing issue. That’s not all, though. Big changes are brewing. EVENT editor Elizabeth Bachinsky will be stepping down to embark on an exciting new adventure. It’s sad to see Liz go, but we’re also thrilled to work with our new editor, Shashi Bhat. I’ll let them speak for themselves below:
I’ve been so lucky to have worked with so many talented writers, editors, volunteers and interns over the past eight years at EVENT, first as Poetry Editor and then as Editor. It’s been a privilege, and it’s a pleasure to welcome Shashi Bhat as EVENT’s incoming editor. I know the magazine will be in excellent hands. Since the upcoming Fall Issue (EVENT 43/2) will be my last, I’d like to thank Managing Editor Ian Cockfield, Fiction Editor Christine Dewar, Poetry Editor Gillian Jerome, Reviews Editor Susan Wasserman, Web Editor Joshua Grant, Proofreader Rob Hughes, and the many invaluable volunteer First Readers and Editorial Assistants. You’ve been an amazing team and I’m proud to call you my friends. I’ve been so lucky to work with all of you. Thanks also to EVENT’s wonderful Advisory Board, in particular Meg Stainsby, Dean of Language, Literature and Performing Arts at Douglas College. To the Douglas College administrators who continue to support this endeavour into its fifth decade, I say thank you and bravo on behalf of professional writers and editors everywhere. We could not do what what we do without your support. I am excited to move on to my next project: a daughter! Due this October, I promise to bring her around the office for a visit as soon as I can. We wish you all the best in the years to come.
Elizabeth Bachinsky
Hello, EVENT readers. I’m kind of shocked that I’m the incoming editor of this magazine. EVENT published one of my first stories in 2007, I think… and back then I never guessed that, seven years later, I would be on the other end of the story acceptance (and rejection) emails. I have lived on this side of the country for one month and six days, having just moved here from Halifax. So far I have gone kayaking, biked the seawall, and seen the Douglas Coupland exhibit, so as to immerse myself in this new West Coast lifestyle. I’m looking forward to working with the very welcoming EVENT folks, and to reading some beautiful writing.
Shashi Bhat, Editor of EVENT