Theodora Armstrong: Coming Attractions

May 11, 2011 at 3:34 pm  •  Posted in Uncategorized by

Congratulations to EVENT contributor Theodora Armstrong whose story “Whale Stories,” first published in EVENT 36.2, is now one of the stories featured in Coming Attractions 10 (Oberon Press) along with two other stories, “Fishtail” and “Thanks to Karen.”

Some other new writers who first appeared in Coming Attractions include Rohinton Mistry, Frances Itani, Peter Behrens, Lisa Moore, Dennis Bock, Neil Smith, Diane Schoemperlen, Timothy Taylor, Bonnie Burnard, Sharon Butala, Steven Heighton, Mary Swan, Caroline Adderson, Rebecca Rosenblum, Gayla Reid.

“Reading Coming Attractions is like test-driving the year’s new cars”—London Free Press.

Coming Attractions is a who’s who of our best young writers”—The Fiddlehead.

                                                                                -by Elizabeth Bachinsky