What We’re Looking For
Submissions are currently closed. We generally have two open submissions windows during the months of August and September and December and January. Submission windows will close on the last day of the month, or when our allowable unpaid submission limit is reached (whichever comes first).
Fiction: We look for compelling characters and voice, fresh plots, and narratives that move us. Full details and eligibility requirements on Submittable.
Poetry: We look for arresting imagery, polished language, emotional impact, and lyricism without pretension.
Non-Fiction: The creative non-fiction we publish mainly comes through our annual Non-Fiction Contest (October 15 deadline). We look for real-life experiences told as riveting narratives with distinct voices.
Reviews: Read sample reviews on our website for an idea of our format and style, and please contact our Reviews Editor before writing or submitting.
Your best bet at getting your work published in EVENT? Reading some of our issues. Find the current issue at Chapters/Indigo, libraries or local newsstands. Subscriptions and single issues in print or digital formats can also be purchased online or through our office.
How to Submit
EVENT accepts general, unsolicited submissions by Submittable only. There is no fee to submit. We encourage writers from diverse backgrounds and experience levels to send their work to EVENT. We generally have two open submissions periods during the months of August-September and December-January. Submission windows will close on the last day of the month, or when our allowable unpaid submission limit is reached (whichever comes first).
We do not accept submissions by snail mail or email.
The Basics:
- Submit up to eight poems, or one short story (maximum 5,000 words), at a time.
- Use standard manuscript formatting. Each poem or story must be saved as its own separate file (.doc, .docx, .rtf, or .txt file formats only). We do not accept PDFs.
- Be sure to submit under the proper category (genre).
- All work should be previously unpublished.
- You will be asked for a brief cover letter with your contact information, the title(s) of your submission(s) and a list of previous publication credits, if any.
- For poem submissions, please ensure your name is included on each page, and that punctuation and capitalization is consistent within a poem.
The Details:
- If you don’t already have a free Submittable account, you will be prompted to sign up for one before you submit.
- We will consider only one submission per writer at a time (in one genre only). Once you have received a response from us (accept or decline), you are free to submit another piece of writing.
- Writers with fiction or poetry manuscripts currently under submission with EVENT are permitted to submit to our annual Non-Fiction Contest.
- Writers may only appear in EVENT once every two years, with the exception of Reviews and Notes on Writing.
- We don’t publish work by Douglas College students, staff or faculty (or their family members) who have had an affiliation with the college within the past two years, with the exception of reviews.
- Submissions must be entirely human-created. We do not accept work that was written, developed or assisted in any capacity by artificial intelligence (AI) tools such as ChatGPT.
- We accept simultaneous submissions, but please advise us immediately should a piece under consideration be accepted elsewhere.
- We pay $40/page for poetry and $35/page for prose, up to a maximum of $500.
- All contributors receive 2 copies of the issue in which their work appears. Payment is issued upon publication.
- Please review our Editorial Policy for rights, payment policies and additional details.
Reading Service for Writers
If your manuscript needs another eye, try EVENT’s Reading Service for Writers. Manuscripts will be edited by one of EVENT’s experienced editors and receive an assessment of 700-1000 words detailing strengths and weaknesses, and providing recommendations for revision. All manuscripts submitted will also be considered for publication.